Reference ZUGFeRD DLL in VB6
After you registered the dll with Regasm as explained here you can reference the dll in VB6 as shown below: Code: Dim alo As Aloaha_ZUGFeRd.XML Set alo = New Aloaha_ZUGFeRd.XML
After you registered the dll with Regasm as explained here you can reference the dll in VB6 as shown below: Code: Dim alo As Aloaha_ZUGFeRd.XML Set alo = New Aloaha_ZUGFeRd.XML
To be able to use the ZUGFeRD DLL in VB6 and/or COM you need to register it first with Regasm. The commandline Parameter is: regasm /codebase Aloaha_ZUGFeRD.dll